Buyers & Sellers Pioneer New Transatlantic Advertising Link!


Billboard advertising traders, Buyers & Sellers Media PLC has expanded its offering to enable British brands to advertise on some of the most iconic digital billboards in the USA.

Already offering heavyweight outdoor advertising packages across the UK, Buyers & Sellers has engaged with American media owners to launch this new initiative, which is already catching the imagination of brands keen to reach big stateside audiences.

The Buyers & Sellers model involves acquiring outdoor space upfront from multiple media owners to then create mass coverage and high-value advertising packages available to brands from one single sales house, and that model is now being replicated in America.

The advantages to brands working with Buyers & Sellers are numerous and include a hassle-free and more cost-effective means of buying outdoor media, and the introduction of American inventory offers the opportunity to advertise on billboards that have previously been unobtainable to many advertisers.

The American market is key to expansion for many UK brands who operate across many different business sectors, and Buyers & Sellers is already running outdoor campaigns on iconic billboards in places like Times Square, New York for British fashion houses, online retailers and even pop artists.

Buyers & Sellers also intend to offer the same service to American brands who wish to target consumers on UK billboards, to make this unique development a truly transatlantic advertising link.

To find out more, contact us on 0121 272 4898 or email:


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